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马春红(1970.11--),博士  教授、博士生导师。国家自然科学基金杰出青年基金、中组部“万人计划”领军人才、教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”、霍英东基金会高等院校青年教师基金、山东省杰出青年基金获得者,全国三八红旗手。山东省优秀博士论文(20132010)、山东省优秀硕士论文(20112008)指导教师。中华医学会微生物与免疫学分会青年委员会委员、山东免疫学会常务理事。Liver international, Plos One, Hepatology International, Cancer Biology Therapy等杂志审稿人。



2003.9-至今     山东大学医学院    教授、博导

2004.2-2005.2   美国肯塔基大学    访问学者

2001.1-2003.9   山东大学医学院    副教授

1999.7-2002.7 山东大学免疫学研究所,博士学位

1994.7-1999.12 原山东医科大学    助教、讲师

1991.9-1994.7 华中师范大学生物系,理学硕士

1987.9-1991.7  山东师范大学生物系,理学学士



长期从事肝病与免疫研究,致力于研究HBV、代谢等环境因素诱发肝脏炎症及其恶性转化机制,以期揭示影响肝癌发生发展的关键微环境因素。近期研究团队利用动物模型及临床标本,围绕免疫耗竭及肝癌微环境开展工作,揭示了免疫调节分子Tim-3介导CD8T细胞及NK细胞耗竭新机制(J Hepatol 2010;Cell Mol Immunol 2009;Oncogene 2014) ;发现了肝癌微环境内肿瘤相关巨噬细胞极化促进肝癌进展的新通路(Gut 2015),发现HBV及其编码蛋白通过调节肝细胞中生长死亡相关基因hTERT(Gut 2009,Int J Biochem Cell Biol.2013)、DR5(Cell Death Dis 2009)、Bax(J Immunol 2007)、TIPE1(Oncogene 2014)和免疫调节基因Foxp3(Liver Int 2015)等的表达促进肝细胞恶性转化和促癌免疫微环境的形成,在HBV 相关肝癌的发生发展中发挥重要作用;发现并鉴定了肝癌中的新型抑癌基因ZHX2,发现受ZHX2调控的多个靶基因:AFP(JCMM 2008)、GPC3(Int J Biochem Cell Biol. 2015)、MDR1(Oncotarget2015)等。





3.HBV 感染、免疫与肝病(2015.1-2019.12),国家自然科学基金杰出青年基金(81425012),负责人,400万




1. Liu Y, Xu Y, Ma H, Wang B, Xu L, Zhang H,Song X, Gao L, Liang X, Ma C.* Hepatitis B virus X protein amplifies TGF-β promotion on HCC motility through down-regulating PPM1a. Oncotarget. 2016 Apr 21. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.8884.

2. Liu Y, Gao LF, Liang XH, Ma CH.*Role of Tim-3 in hepatitis B virus infection: An overview. World J Gastroenterol. 2016 Feb 21;22(7):2294-303.

3. Liu P, Zhang H, Liang X, Ma H, Luan F, Wang B, Bai F, Gao L, Ma C. * HBV preS2 promotes the expression of TAZ via miRNA-338-3p to enhance the tumorigenesis of hepatocellular carcinoma. Oncotarget. 2015 Oct 6;6(30):29048-59. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.4804.

4. Ma H, Yue X, Gao L, Liang X, Yan W, Zhang Z, Shan H, Zhang H, Spear BT, Ma C.* ZHX2 enhances the cytotoxicity of chemotherapeutic drugs in liver tumor cells by repressing MDR1 via interfering with NF-YA. Oncotarget. 2015 Jan 20;6(2):1049-63.

5. Yan W, Liu X, Ma H, Zhang H, Song X, Gao L, Liang X, Ma C.* Tim-3 fosters HCC development by enhancing TGF-β-mediated alternative activation of macrophages.Gut. 2015 Jan 21. pii: gutjnl-2014-307671. doi: 10.1136/gutjnl-2014-307671. [Epub ahead of print]

6.Tong XH, Xu B, Zhang YW, Liu YS, Ma CH*.Research resources: comparative microRNA profiles in human corona radiata cells and cumulus oophorus cells detected by next-generation small RNA sequencing. PLoS One. 2014 Sep 4;9(9):e106706  

7. Luan F, Liu P, Ma H, Yue X, Liu J, Gao L, Liang X, Ma C*.Reduced nucleic ZHX2 involves in oncogenic activation of glypican 3  in human hepatocellular carcinoma. Int J Biochem Cell Biol. 2014 Sep 6;55C:129-135. doi: 10.1016/j.biocel.2014.08.021. [Epub ahead of print]

8. Zhang Z, Liang X, Gao L, Ma H, Liu X, Pan Y, Yan W, Shan H, Wang Z, Chen YH**, Ma C**.TIPE1 induces apoptosis by negatively regulating Rac1 activation in hepatocellular carcinoma cells. Oncogene. 2015 May 14;34(20):2566-74.

9. Zhang X, Gao L, Liang X, Guo M, Wang R, Pan Y, Liu P, Zhang F, Guo C, Zhu F, Qu C, Ma C*.HBV preS2 transcactivates FOXP3 expression in malignant hepatocytes. Liver Int. 2014 Jul 22. doi: 10.1111/liv.12642. [Epub ahead of print]

10. Feng D, Wu J, Tian Y, Zhou H, Zhou Y, Hu W, Zhao W, Wei H, Ling B, Ma C*. Targeting of histone deacetylases to reactivate tumour suppressor genes and its therapeutic potential in a human cervical cancer xenograft model. PLoS One. 2013 Nov 19;8(11):e80657. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0080657.

11.Wang J, Liu D, Liang X, Gao L, Yue X, Yang Y, Ma C**, Liu J**. Construction of a recombinant eukaryotic human ZHX1 gene expression plasmid and the role of ZHX1  in hepatocellular carcinoma.Mol Med Rep. 2013 Nov;8(5):1531-6.

12. Liu X, You J, Zhao D, Guo M, Pan Y, Gao L, Liang X, Ma C**Dysregulated expression of T cell immunoglobulin and mucin domain 3 is associated with the disease severity and the outcome of patients with spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage.Clin Biochem. 2013 Oct;46(15):1502-8.(IF2.45)

13. Zhuang X, Zhang X, Xia X, Zhang C, Liang X, Gao L, Zhang X, Ma C.* Ectopic Expression of TIM-3 in Lung Cancers. Am J Clin Pathol. 2012 Jun;137(6):978-85.

14. Hou N, Zhao D, Liu Y, Gao L, Liang X, Liu X, Gai X, Zhang X, Zhu F, Ni M, Zhang Y, Sun W, Ma C. *.Augmented expression of T cell immunoglobulin- and mucin-domain-containing molecule-3 on NK cells in atherogenesis. Atherosclerosis. 2012 May;222(1):67-73. Epub 2012 Feb 13.

15. Yue X, Zhang Z, Liang X, Gao L, Zhang X, Zhao D, Liu X, Ma H, Guo M, Spear BT, Gong Y, Ma C.*Zinc Fingers and Homeoboxes 2 Inhibits Cell  Proliferation and Represses Cyclin A and Cyclin E expression. Gastroenterology. 2012 Jun;142(7):1559-1570.e2.

16. Ju Y, Hou N, Meng J, Wang X, Zhang X, Zhao D, Liu Y, Zhu F, Zhang L, Sun W, Liang X, Gao L, Ma C*, T cell immunoglobulin- and mucin-domain-containing molecule-3 (Tim-3) mediates natural killer cell suppression in chronic hepatitis B. J Hepatol. 2010 Mar;52(3):322-9.

17. Zhao D, Hou N, Cui M, Liu Y, Liang X, Zhuang X, Zhang Y, Zhang L, Yin D, Gao L, Zhang Y, Ma C*.Increased T cell Immunoglobulin and Mucin Domain 3 Positively Correlate with Systemic IL-17 and TNF-α Level in the Acute Phase of Ischemic Stroke. J Clin Immunol. 2011 Aug;31(4):719-27. Epub 2011 Apr 26.

18. Chen Z, Yu D, Liu C, Yang X, Zhang N, Ma C, Song J, Lu Z. Gadolinium-conjugated PLA-PEG nanoparticles as liver targeted molecular MRI contrast agent. J Drug Target.2011 Sep;19(8):657-65.

19. Liu Y, Shu Q, Gao L, Hou N, Zhao D, Liu X, Zhang X, Xu L, Yue X, Zhu F, Guo C, Liang X, Ma C*.  Increased Tim-3 expression on peripheral lymphocytes from patients with rheumatoid arthritis negatively correlates with disease activity. Clin Immunol. 2010 Nov;137(2):288-95.

20. Liu H, Shi W, Luan F, Xu S, Yang F, Sun W, Liu J, Ma C.*., Hepatitis B virus X protein upregulates transcriptional activation of human telomerase reverse transcriptase.Virus Genes. 2010 Apr;40(2):174-82.

21. Luan F, Liu H, Gao L, Liu J, Sun Z, Ju Y, Hou N, Guo C, Liang X, Zhang L, Sun W, Ma C. *Hepatitis B virus protein preS2 potentially promotes HCC development via its transcriptional activation of hTERT. Gut. 2009 Nov;58(11):1528-37. Epub 2009 Aug 2.

22. Ju Y, Hou N, Zhang XN, Zhao D, Liu Y, Wang JJ, Luan F, Shi W, Zhu FL, Sun WS, Zhang LN, Gao CJ, Gao LF, Liang XH, Ma CH.* Blockade of Tim-3 Pathway Ameliorates Interferon-gamma Production from Hepatic CD8(+) T Cells in a Mouse Model of Hepatitis B Virus Infection. Cell Mol Immunol. 2009 Feb;6(1):35-43.

23. Zhijin Chen, Dexin Yu, Shaojie Wang, Na Zhang, Chunhong Ma**, Zaijun Lu*. Biocompatible nanocomplexes for molecular targeted MRI contrast agent. Nanoscale Res lett., 2009,4618-626

24. Wang Y, Meng J, Wang X, Liu S, Shu Q, Gao L, Ju Y, Zhang L, Sun W, Ma C*.Expression of human TIM-1 and TIM-3 on lymphocytes from systemic lupus erythematosus patients. Scand J Immunol. 2008 Jan;67(1):63-70

25. Peterson ML, Ma C, Spear BT.Zhx2 and Zbtb20: Novel regulators of postnatal alpha-fetoprotein repression and their potential role in   gene reactivation during liver cancer. Semin Cancer Biol. 2011 Feb; 21(1):21-7. Epub 2011 Jan 7.


